Saturday, July 20, 2013

Year in Review Part 3

Are you tired of my long posts yet? lol. Here are some more random pictures of things that I have done. Like I said I'm not sure what happened when I transferred computers.

For easter I gave all the kids juice bunnies and carrots made of goldfish for their snack.

I loved seeing how much the kids grew in their writing so I made a special board to post. Even some of my kids that struggled to get even the first sound on paper were able to write a full sentence! By the end  I only had two that were still struggling.  

Side Trip: My hubby's dad got married and we got to see Kenny live! Love him!!
 Here is me and my hubby!

We were able to get some chick eggs and got one to hatch. I think something was wrong with the incubator because out of 5 we only got 1 :( I've never had the issue with this type of incubator at my last school. Any suggestions. I also used my husbands GoPro to take pictures of the chick hatching. It took a picture every 30 seconds. He then put it into a video. You can check out the video on YouTube by clicking the picture
 The kids named him Chico. Here is after two days.
 This is Chico about a week and a half later. He grew a ton!
We did Mother's day cards and potted plants. I just got a kick out of this one :)

Earth Day Activity. I can't remember where I got the I heart Earth from. If you know whose it is please let me k now so I can give credit!

One of our last units was ocean. After learning about the animals they chose their favorite and wrote about it. This again comes from a Cupcake for the teacher. Click any of the pictures

End of the Year Door. On Each pedal of the flower, the kids wrote the title of a book they were able to read and then decorated it. I should have gotten a picture of one close up.

We did the balloon pop at the end of the year. They loved to see what the fun activity for the day was going to be. We read outside and played minute to win it...
We wrote sentences and drew a matching picture with chalk. We also did math problems outside with chalk.
So proud of my kinder! We had free time and one of my sweet girls wrote this note and picture for me!

And a little bit of last random. My husband told me he tried to water my ferns and a bird flew at him, well I looked inside and found some eggs. After about a week here is what I found!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's so nice to meet another teacher blogger from Huntsville! Do you have a job here yet? I teach at Jones Valley.

    Fun in First Grade!
